Above is a link to the final program for the April 10 meeting. The Zoom link for the meeting has been sent via email.
The link will be opened 15 minutes before the meeting starts to allow for testing Zoom connections and controls. While papers are being read, please turn off your video and mute your audio to conserve bandwidth and minimize disruptions. The controls for turning audio and video on and off are located in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen.
We will have a short business meeting after lunch where we will begin the elections for Council Representative, Vice President, and one Student Representative. Thank you to everyone who has already sent us nominations and self nominations. We will continue to take nominations up until our meeting via email (amsnorthcal [at] gmail.com). If you did not receive a Zoom link for the meeting, please send a request to this address.
I look forward to seeing many of you on Zoom on Saturday and, I hope, in person in the very near future.
Mary Ann Smart
President, Northern California Chapter, American Musicological Society