Virtual Spring Meeting: May 3, 2020, 10 am PDT


Virtual (Zoom) meeting of the North California Chapter
of the American Musicological Society
May 3, 2020, 10 am PDT

Ingolf Dahl Competition Finalists

Adam Bregman, USC
“Musica ficta, Conjunction Theory, and the Hermaphroditic Nature of the Mi-Fa Complex”

Kelly Christensen, Stanford
“Privatizing the Canon: France’s Commercial Sheet Music Industry and the Opéra-Comique, 1825-1845″

Ramona Gonzalez, UCLA
“Quejío: Flamenco Trauma Expression and Rosalía’s El mal querer”

11:30 Break

Business Meeting and Announcement of Dahl Winner

Agenda for the Business Meeting

Election of the President and Secretary/Treasurer*
AMS NorCal Award for the Best Graduate Student Paper*
Bylaws Amendment*
Report by Secretary/Treasurer Alice Miller Cotter: Update on Chapter Finances
New Method for Paying Dues
New Webpage

*voting will be by email following the meeting

Beverly Wilcox, Cal State University Sacramento, will host the meeting. The link will be sent to all chapter members by email on May 1. Others may register by emailing