Northern California Chapter of the American Musicological Society
We are pleased to announce our joint meeting of the Pacific Southwest and Northern California Chapters of the American Musicological Society, to be held online via Zoom on the weekend of May 8-9, 2021.
The program combines papers from both chapters, but the two chapters have separate submissions processes.
We welcome abstracts (maximum 350 words) proposing paper topics for the meeting, including submissions for lecture-performances and other alternative formats. Papers or presentations should require no more than 20 minutes for full delivery, plus 5-10 minutes for questions and discussion.
Those wishing to present a paper should send their submissions by midnight, March 31, 2021, along with the proposed title, author’s name and institutional affiliation. All submissions should be sent by email to amsnorthcal <at>
In addition, this meeting will feature the competition for the AMS NorCal Award in Musicology, which is given annually to the best graduate student paper presented at the AMS-NorCal conference. (The Pacific Southwest Chapter now has its own student competition.)
Students must be currently enrolled in institutions within the boundaries of the Northern California Chapter of the AMS. All students are strongly encouraged to work with faculty mentors to ensure that their papers are ready for professional presentation. Competition abstracts will be evaluated according to the following criteria: organization and writing, innovation and contribution to the field, methodology, and potential for publication and future research. Three finalists will be chosen by a graduate student committee, all of whom will present their papers in the Sunday morning session (May 9th) of the meeting.
Submissions should be in pdf, doc, or docx format and include a cover page with the paper’s title, the author’s name, contact info, institutional affiliation, and an indication of whether the author wishes the paper to be considered for the regular program if it is not selected for the Competition finals. The page(s) containing the abstract itself (maximum 350 words) should not indicate the author’s identity. Submissions should be emailed to amsnorthcal <at>
—-Northern California Chapter of the American Musicological Society