In the following post, you will find our program for the April 10th meeting. Abstracts and a Zoom link will follow closer to our event.
One important agenda item at the Business Meeting on April 10 will be holding elections for a new Chapter Vice President, a new AMS Council Representative and a new Student Representative. The terms of Pierpaolo Polzonetti (UCD) as Council Representative and Madison Heying (UCSC) as Student Representative ended in November 2020, and Heather Hadlock’s term as Vice President of the Chapter is ending this spring. Parkorn Wangpaiboonkit (UCB) continues as Student Representative until the next national meeting in November 2021 and his replacement will be elected next year.
We therefore invite you to send nominations for all three of these positions by email to amsnorthcal <at> at any time between now and April 10. We will also accept nominations during the Business Meeting, but encourage you to submit them sooner. We would like to thank Heather, Pierpaolo, and Madison for their excellent service in these positions!
In case you’re unclear on what each of these positions entails, here’s a bit of information. Duties for all three positions are light and often enjoyable.
—The Vice President works together with the President and Secretary to plan meetings and oversee the operations of the Chapter.
—The AMS Council Representative represents the Chapter on the AMS Council and serves a three-year term.
— Student Representatives serve two-year terms as non-voting members of the AMS Council.
— Chapter officers and student representatives attend separate breakfast meetings at the Annual Meeting. The travel of student representatives to the Annual Meeting is subsidized through the Chapter Fund.
Election to Council is not only a distinct honor, but the stepping stone to all further elected positions within the Society. The Council considers issues of interest to its members, may initiate new committees to study those issues, and sends recommendations to the Board.
— Alex Stalarow (he/him/his), Secretary-Treasurer
— Northern California Chapter of the American Musicological Society