2025 Norcal Chapter Meeting: April 12 at San José State University

The annual meeting of the NorCal chapter will take place at the Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies at San Jose State University on Saturday, April 12, from 9:30am to 3:30pm (timetable tbc).

We invite submissions for 20-minute paper presentations on any subject of musicological interest. Lecture recitals and panels will also be considered.

Abstract submissions are due by end of day on March 14, 2025. Please send your proposals to the NorCal chapter president, Erica Buurman (erica[dot]buurman[at]sjsu.edu). The proposal should include a title and a 250-word abstract.

At this conference we will confer the Northern California Prize in Musicology for the best graduate student paper presented at the meeting. The prize consists of a $250 prize and the winner will be named at the end of the conference. If you would like to be considered for the award, please indicate this when you submit your abstract.

Conference registration itself is free, but we ask that presenters and in-person attendees join the chapter or renew their memberships via the general AMS membership page: https://www.amsmusicology.org/store/ListProducts.aspx. Chapter dues are $15 (free for student members).

Best wishes,

Erica Buurman, San Jose State University (Chapter President)
Edmund Mendelssohn, UC Berkeley (Secretary-Treasurer)
Daniel Koplitz, Stanford University (Student Representative)